
No/low work experience or long stints of unemployment stopping you from getting a job? I may have a symbiotic solution.

I figured this would be the subreddit to post something like this. If you have very little or no work experience, or long stretches of unemployment, companies usually see this as a red flag and move towards a different candidate. What I am suggesting is unethical, perhaps, however, so is corporate HR work culture and strategy. Like demanding 5 years of experience for an entry level job, unpaid internships in general, forcing you to quit so they don't have to deal with unemployment, unpaid overtime, wage theft, the list goes on. If you're a straight edge, by the book, type of individual, feel free to keep scrolling. However, if you understand that ethics can be a very nuanced with many layers and gray areas, then perhaps we can help each other out. What you need: Verified work experience to alleviate gaps in employment or to add years to you employment…

I figured this would be the subreddit to post something like this.

If you have very little or no work experience, or long stretches of unemployment, companies usually see this as a red flag and move towards a different candidate.

What I am suggesting is unethical, perhaps, however, so is corporate HR work culture and strategy. Like demanding 5 years of experience for an entry level job, unpaid internships in general, forcing you to quit so they don't have to deal with unemployment, unpaid overtime, wage theft, the list goes on.

If you're a straight edge, by the book, type of individual, feel free to keep scrolling. However, if you understand that ethics can be a very nuanced with many layers and gray areas, then perhaps we can help each other out.

What you need: Verified work experience to alleviate gaps in employment or to add years to you employment history.

What I need: Social proof to show that my company is bigger than it actually is, so that clients can take me seriously.

My proposal: You add my company to your resume and LinkedIn in a role/capacity/time frame that makes sense for you, I will act as “HR” to verify your employment with us through email, phone, etc.

Obviously I want to keep this low key and off the search engines, so I am asking for mutual confidentiality here.

If this is something you are interested in, please send me a private message.

To be clear, this is not a paid service or paid role of any kind. Just mutually beneficial social proof for both of us.

If you absolutely “must tell the truth” maybe you can do a few seconds of “work” and I can pay you a penny to “keep things honest”, but I'd rather you reach out to me only if you are cool with doing something like this and you aren't gonna brag later on about how you got hired with “fake experience”. Ongoing discretion is super important here. If friends/family inquire, you can just tell them it was a part time remote gig or something.

With that said, if this interests you, DM me. I read this subs rules and think I am good, but if this breaks the rules then I'm sorry.

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