
Bosses told us we can’t use our phones at work anymore, gave us the worst reasons

I work a job that's basically a call center. We have very busy periods, but also extremely dead periods where we have literally nothing to do. We all have our ways of passing the time, lots if not most of us fool around on our phones in down time. Like when it's dead we'll get maybe 10 calls an hour. Our bosses are recently trying to enforce a policy that won't let us use our phones as entertainment. The reason they gave us, and I shit you not, is that our phone cameras are always spying on us and that it can record sensitive client info… I seriously don't understand how they can use this as a valid reason. Like the way 99% of humans use a phone there is no physical way for the cameras to be angled at the screen. Secondly, we could just minimize our software that…

I work a job that's basically a call center. We have very busy periods, but also extremely dead periods where we have literally nothing to do. We all have our ways of passing the time, lots if not most of us fool around on our phones in down time. Like when it's dead we'll get maybe 10 calls an hour.

Our bosses are recently trying to enforce a policy that won't let us use our phones as entertainment. The reason they gave us, and I shit you not, is that our phone cameras are always spying on us and that it can record sensitive client info… I seriously don't understand how they can use this as a valid reason. Like the way 99% of humans use a phone there is no physical way for the cameras to be angled at the screen. Secondly, we could just minimize our software that shows people's information, no more risk!!! Or maybe they could ask us to cover the cameras on our devices with tape if that was truly their concern.

I could go on and on about how dumb and anti worker this policy feels, but the reasons they gave us are somehow more outrageous than this policy.

Not sure what you guys' thoughts on this are. Do you think it's a fair ask? Are their reasons for concern valid?

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