
ADA Violations

I am seeking advice. In a nutshell., my life has been a mess since 2017. I got divorced and in 2019 I suffered a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury) ny treatment was halted during covid so I was off work from 2019-2020 and when I returned to work I n 2021, I was injured again. These are all past jobs. In 2022, my neuro psych recommend I apply for SSDI due to having trouble maintaining a job bc of both physical needs and mental. I opted not to because my family offered support as long as I worked part time. I was able to get a lot of government resources (food stamps, bill assistance , therapy through non profits.) The issue now is that I have gone into debt due to an emergent surgery my ESA had and then I tore a tendon in my ankle last week. My family…

I am seeking advice. In a nutshell., my life has been a mess since 2017. I got divorced and in 2019 I suffered a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury) ny treatment was halted during covid so I was off work from 2019-2020 and when I returned to work I n 2021, I was injured again. These are all past jobs.
In 2022, my neuro psych recommend I apply for SSDI due to having trouble maintaining a job bc of both physical needs and mental. I opted not to because my family offered support as long as I worked part time. I was able to get a lot of government resources (food stamps, bill assistance , therapy through non profits.)
The issue now is that I have gone into debt due to an emergent surgery my ESA had and then I tore a tendon in my ankle last week. My family is now changing their tune and thinks its time I “grow out” of my disability. I submitted paperwork to my company showing that I need a quieter space to work (I work at a front desk in an extremely loud huilding) and I needed less physical activity. My boss said she cannot accomdate these and has cut me from 20-25 hours down to 12-15 the next months and is jeopardizing my eligibility into the pension plan I just earned (have to work 82 or more hours per month she has me at 70 for the month)
When I asked for another 2 shifts she told me she cannot take from our brand new person who she has given 32 hours per week for the next month. She also told me she cannot he around to help lift boxes or assist me. Our HR is out due to a medical issue herself and the above mine just keeps telling me to “work with my direct boss” and I feel like I am a ping pong between 2 managers who won't speak to each other or have a meeting together.
My work mom. A manager in another department who had known me since I was a kid (my dad worked this company for 25 years he retired in 2019) told me to go above my boss and her boss and request the business head (who is the interim hr) facilitate a sit down with myself and the bosses.
Despite the nonsense. I enjoy my job but they are underpaying and they refuse to accommodate my brain injuries or my ankle.

What do I do?

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