
A story about my mom….

My mother is a retired teacher. She also claims to be a very loving Christian. But she also is a conservative Trump supporter that doesn't really align with what she claims her beliefs are. Anyway, she is in her mid-70s and a retired teacher. The other day, she called me complaining about how nobody wants to work. Her story went like this. On her way from her fully paid for condominium to her fully paid for Lakehouse in New Hampshire. She was upset that she was unable to get a Starbucks coffee at the local rest area because they were short staffed and had restricted hours. She went on for at least 15 minutes about how the service at restaurants and retail stores are terrible because nobody wants to work and how she hast to yell and scream at the staff to get them to do their job the right…

My mother is a retired teacher. She also claims to be a very loving Christian. But she also is a conservative Trump supporter that doesn't really align with what she claims her beliefs are. Anyway, she is in her mid-70s and a retired teacher. The other day, she called me complaining about how nobody wants to work. Her story went like this. On her way from her fully paid for condominium to her fully paid for Lakehouse in New Hampshire. She was upset that she was unable to get a Starbucks coffee at the local rest area because they were short staffed and had restricted hours. She went on for at least 15 minutes about how the service at restaurants and retail stores are terrible because nobody wants to work and how she hast to yell and scream at the staff to get them to do their job the right way. After biting my tongue, I couldn't hold it any longer. I asked her if she thinks that anyone in this generation now would ever be able to say “after leaving my paid off house to go to my paid off summer home on the lake, I decided to stop at Starbucks.” And I also asked her if she thinks yelling at the staff actually showed up to work at the restaurant or the retail store is going to make them work harder or make them quit making them even more shortstaffed. Honestly, I love my mother very much, but she is a fucking blind hypocrite.

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