
What’s the obsession with productivity?!?!

I got passed up on a raise after 1 year and part of it was because of my productivity; basically if I finished my tasks early they wanted me to work more. “You're paid for 8 hours we expect, 8 hours of work.” One; there's no incentive to work more if I'm paid hourly. Two; my coworker who works in accounting department knows we are making huge profits this quarter so they have the money to give me a raise. Three; I'll burn out if I worked every hour for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

I got passed up on a raise after 1 year and part of it was because of my productivity; basically if I finished my tasks early they wanted me to work more. “You're paid for 8 hours we expect, 8 hours of work.”

One; there's no incentive to work more if I'm paid hourly. Two; my coworker who works in accounting department knows we are making huge profits this quarter so they have the money to give me a raise. Three; I'll burn out if I worked every hour for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

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