
Screw this Job …

this is a long rant about this damn job….. im already job hunting .. but i gotta get it off my chest…. ​ i currently work at a gas station / truck stop , on the weekends overnight. so just 3 nights a week and its managed to pay my bills , and put a little money back . thats all i wanted , because i dont WANT to work…. who does? ​ overnight shift is solo .. and im expected to get my whole to do list done… now i can get most of it done… since its not too busy .. i maybe see 40 people max in 8 hours… but there are things on the list i cant do while solo … like run outside and restock the pizza freezer , or run to the backroom to restock cooler. so even from the day i started i…

this is a long rant about this damn job….. im already job hunting .. but i gotta get it off my chest….

i currently work at a gas station / truck stop , on the weekends overnight. so just 3 nights a week and its managed to pay my bills , and put a little money back . thats all i wanted , because i dont WANT to work…. who does?

overnight shift is solo .. and im expected to get my whole to do list done… now i can get most of it done… since its not too busy .. i maybe see 40 people max in 8 hours… but there are things on the list i cant do while solo … like run outside and restock the pizza freezer , or run to the backroom to restock cooler. so even from the day i started i figured id just do those real quick when my coverage came in , in the morning. AHAHA … i have yet , to be able to do those tasks but maybe 4 times in the almost year i been here… my coverage is slow at their tasks , stretching it out as long as possible.. and when im ready to count my drawer down cause i got 15 minutes left to my shift.. they HAVE to do something , and abandon me for 10 minutes now i have 5 minutes left to my shift…

i have told the managers about this many times.. me getting these tasks done are not a time management issue on my part , but my coverages part… ive even been asked many times to stay later to get things done … which i tell them i dont see that being fair, when i could have gotten it done within my sced. time, but outside factors are preventing me from completing …

the shift before me has become very lazy .. pushing their tasks off onto overnight because they just assume we have time to do it .. i have mentioned to them and SHOWN them my to do list.. and how i dont have extra time to do their stuff, when they just sit on their asses playing on their phone while on the clock… it never stopped them .. even when bringing it up to management , they tell me “well we are short staffed and we cant afford to lose anyone..” there are 2 to 4 people on day and mid shift.. and only 2 registers…. their to do list is shorter then my shifts … if i can get 90% of my stuff done i expect them to be able to get 110% of their list done !!!

just recently , they started scheduling me for 9 hour shifts, i brought this up to management , i dont want to do 9 hours… i have things i need to do at home….. on my 9 hour shift my clock out time is now 8:30am … i guess they figured if they gave me an extra hour , i could get more stuff done !? BUT they decided to have morning shift come in later … so i only have 30 minutes from when coverage comes in and me leaving … uuuum !? so now im finding myself clocking out late… instead of a 9 hour shift its pushing into a 10 hour shift , because i cant leave.. until morning person gets their drawer in … and they .. take … forever !!!!! .. even with me trying to rush them …”hey i still gotta do this and that before i leave….” dont help at all .. they just ignore me ..

ive gotten scolded several times for not finishing my list.. “there is no excuse” and i will rebut “but there is … i cant get it done , when my coverage either 1 isnt here yet, or 2 they take their sweet ass time to do what needs done , so i can go do what i need to do ” and they will just repeat “no excuses”

last saturday was my final straw , i already put in applications for 3 different places, because .. that night when i walked in . 2 of the girls there, where giggling. telling me their was surprise for me in our shower room .. i sarcastically said “you actually cleaned it for once ?” and they just went “AHAHA no, someone shit in there… ” .. so someone pooped in the shower. and instead of them cleaning it .. left it for me to clean… I ALMOST WALKED OUT RIGH THEN .. i didnt … but i should have…

i gear up with gloves and a mask and start heading that way to clean it , and they are both laughing their asses off asking if i was really gonna clean it .. i snapped my head at them and said “well someone has to .. and clearly since its been sitting in there for hours when both of you had time to do it , and havent , fuck me i guess.” i left a huge note for the manager on the matter for her to read when she came in …. nothing came of the matter other then a huge “we expect you to do your job, if it happens on your shift , clean it on your shift” note .. and a few things directed at me as well “we expect you to do cooler on your shift , no excuses.” … so if i complain about getting shit on by other shifts.. boohoo.. just suck it up , your also not doing what is expected of you….. i would .. IF I HAD TIME TO DO IT .. im not staying here for an extra hour, to do something… even more so when i get scolded for staying over my sced. time .. and im NOT clocking out to do work for free like they want me to , so i dont go over my scheduled hours …

i go back in this weekend starting friday night …. and i really dont wanna go .. but i need the money … i hate this job so much …. i can normally disconnect when i walk out that door back into my everyday life.. but this whole week while off i just been consumed by not wanting to go back this weekend………

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