
The company didn’t appreciate me, now they are gone.

I worked for a small company and loved it and I took on more than I was hired for willingly. I did basically 3 full-time jobs and they were all completely different roles and did them really well. So after 2 years of doing that I noticed everyone else around me was making much more money than I was, so I approached the boss and said hey think I can get a dollar-an-hour raise? Bossed asked why? I said well, I'm doing 3 jobs, I think I should get compensated. The boss said, we never asked you to do those jobs but we really appreciate you doing them. I left the office without a raise and two days later I put in my notice with no backup and no place to go. Now for context, I was making 70k a year and was asking for a $1 an hour raise…

I worked for a small company and loved it and I took on more than I was hired for willingly. I did basically 3 full-time jobs and they were all completely different roles and did them really well. So after 2 years of doing that I noticed everyone else around me was making much more money than I was, so I approached the boss and said hey think I can get a dollar-an-hour raise? Bossed asked why? I said well, I'm doing 3 jobs, I think I should get compensated. The boss said, we never asked you to do those jobs but we really appreciate you doing them. I left the office without a raise and two days later I put in my notice with no backup and no place to go.

Now for context, I was making 70k a year and was asking for a $1 an hour raise which would equal to about $1800 extra a year. When I announced my departure, they posted 3 separate job posting to fill the void. For added context, this was a super white workplace and I'm not exactly white. Not sure if my race had anything to do with it, but main reason I worked 3 different jobs is because how good I was and different departments wanted my services for their team to be more successful. I was requested and I felt honored to be part of another team. I took on failed projects and turned them around into successful ones. I was the only one to show up to work on Friday's while no one was in the office. I always found it weird that everyone took every Friday off or had a reason to be out of office.

So as soon as I announced my departure, there were 3 job postings to replace me, so they hired 3 different people to fill the 3 roles I was currently doing. So I was making 50k doing all 3. They posted one role at 80k start, and the other two were 60k each. So it cost them 130k extra a year to replace me.

They ended up hiring 3 people and from what I heard they were giant failures. One of my jobs brought the company a shit ton of money and I guess the person who replaced me in that position brought in 10% of what I was bringing in. The company folded after a year and a half after I left. Sucks that the company failed, but I always wondered if this all had to do with race, it was a gut punch when my job was posted for 10k a year more and then the extra 120k to do my other roles when I asked for just $1800 a year raise. Oh well, I'm much happier now, but part of me will always be insulted by that.

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