
My manager cut my hours without telling me.

So as the title says, my manager cut a lot of my hours, I’m £300 less than what I should’ve earned this month, and around £500 less for the month of September. I understand, I work on 0 hours, I shouldn’t complain maybe…but as soon as she heard that I’m going to University, she started to act extremely weird towards me. What I wanted, at least, is a fair explanation as to why she’s cutting my hours. I told her I need to move into my Uni room on the 16th, and she thought I can work to the very last day, which would be the 15th. I told her that’s impossible and that I need at least a week to get ready. So we both agreed that my last shift would be on the 10th. I checked the app that shows me my shifts, and I saw that all…

So as the title says, my manager cut a lot of my hours, I’m £300 less than what I should’ve earned this month, and around £500 less for the month of September.

I understand, I work on 0 hours, I shouldn’t complain maybe…but as soon as she heard that I’m going to University, she started to act extremely weird towards me. What I wanted, at least, is a fair explanation as to why she’s cutting my hours.

I told her I need to move into my Uni room on the 16th, and she thought I can work to the very last day, which would be the 15th. I told her that’s impossible and that I need at least a week to get ready. So we both agreed that my last shift would be on the 10th. I checked the app that shows me my shifts, and I saw that all the month of September is completely empty. Even the 10th.

I’m absolutely furious and disgusted that she thinks it’s okay to do this without telling me at least WHY.

I never asked for a promotion. She was the one that gave me a “higher” position. The only thing I asked is a little bit more money, and she (along with all the other people at the office) raised my hourly rate TWICE in the span of a couple of months. She guaranteed me hours. This was all at the beginning though, when she started at the work place I’m at. I never missed work. I was never late. Always covered for days they needed. Always offered to stay later. But she slowly started excluding me. She would offer my colleagues extra training, and I’d be left out. Some of them noticed, and she said it’s because I’m going to Uni. There is another girl that goes to Uni too, and she got the extra training. She goes above and beyond for everyone, apart from me. She used to tell me I’m an extension of her when she’s not at work, since I’m part of management now, and now she treats me like I don’t exist.

The company I work for is like an umbrella, with different managers working in different places, and I’m thinking to reach out to them just to get extra cash. I will contact her tomorrow, it’s too late now. Once I leave, I will tell her that I won’t be back to work with her and this disgusting company ever again, and everything else I need to tell her. I’m only a month away from freedom.

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