
Am I being paid fairly?

Hello everyone! I am currently handling two different ecom websites of a business. I work 6 days a week where I am currently handling social media, digital marketing services (Meta, Google, TikTok and Snapchat ads), customer service such as DMs, phone calls, WhatsApp messages and it is around 20-50 customers every day. Each of them doing around 15-30k USD per month in terms of sales revenue. Our sales are mostly coming from the ads that I put out where our monthly ad spend is between 4-10k USD so we are always profitable (both of these businesses are very profitable). These two ecom websites also have physical stores and the ads that I put out also have a positive impact on the physical store sales but I am not including the statistics of those here. I currently earn $1950 a month after taxes. These two stores are only selling in a…

Hello everyone! I am currently handling two different ecom websites of a business. I work 6 days a week where I am currently handling social media, digital marketing services (Meta, Google, TikTok and Snapchat ads), customer service such as DMs, phone calls, WhatsApp messages and it is around 20-50 customers every day. Each of them doing around 15-30k USD per month in terms of sales revenue. Our sales are mostly coming from the ads that I put out where our monthly ad spend is between 4-10k USD so we are always profitable (both of these businesses are very profitable). These two ecom websites also have physical stores and the ads that I put out also have a positive impact on the physical store sales but I am not including the statistics of those here. I currently earn $1950 a month after taxes. These two stores are only selling in a single country and next month they will expand to another country so I will be managing those two stores too with the same responsibilities which means I will be managing 4 stores in total and after doing the forecasting, those 2 new stores are expected to have similar revenues. I know location matters to how much you earn but given the details above, do you think I am being paid fairly? If not, what is the amount that I should ask for?

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