
A doctors note for a family emergency ..?

My roommate works in the warehouse for a very large & well-known company. He missed 3 days of work to be with his mother during an unexpected medical emergency she was facing. The company is now not allowing him to come back until he provides a medical note for HER emergency. He will be changing jobs as soon so it’s not like this is a forever thing, but he was hoping to stay employed there while he finds his next job. Trying to figure out how to proceed, as this seems like a huge violation of his mother’s privacy. Thank you in advance for any advice!

My roommate works in the warehouse for a very large & well-known company. He missed 3 days of work to be with his mother during an unexpected medical emergency she was facing. The company is now not allowing him to come back until he provides a medical note for HER emergency.

He will be changing jobs as soon so it’s not like this is a forever thing, but he was hoping to stay employed there while he finds his next job. Trying to figure out how to proceed, as this seems like a huge violation of his mother’s privacy. Thank you in advance for any advice!

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