
A job is just a job

Throwaway. I was just let go from a job for the first time in my life. I was the lead engineer at a small company making $170k salary plus bonuses and the promise of equity in the company. The job was extremely demanding: in 9 months i took 50+ flights, worked night shift as needed, and gave everything i had to be successful. I take a lot of pride in my work and care about my reputation in my industry. But i was blindsided on a Friday morning by a call with HR that i was immediately relieved of my duties. I was terminated because I was starting to push back on being overworked and trying to set work/life boundaries. Keep in mind that in any job, no matter how important you might think you are, you are just a resource to the company. You are paid less than they…


I was just let go from a job for the first time in my life. I was the lead engineer at a small company making $170k salary plus bonuses and the promise of equity in the company. The job was extremely demanding: in 9 months i took 50+ flights, worked night shift as needed, and gave everything i had to be successful.

I take a lot of pride in my work and care about my reputation in my industry. But i was blindsided on a Friday morning by a call with HR that i was immediately relieved of my duties. I was terminated because I was starting to push back on being overworked and trying to set work/life boundaries.

Keep in mind that in any job, no matter how important you might think you are, you are just a resource to the company. You are paid less than they believe they can make from your work. There will never be any obligation to worry about your mental well-being, or what you have done in the past. A job is just an exchange: time from your life in exchange for money. Nothing more.

Be sure to take care of yourself and not expect a company to offer any more than they have to.

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