
America has stolen people’s money for the last (almost) 50 years and we cannot get it back

They have almost completely stolen our pensions…401K’s are a p*ss poor replacement for pensions still with too many restrictions on them. Think about it, where did all of that pension money go? I’ll tell you…. Into the golden lined pockets of the “chosen few.” People are treated as disposable and even more so as they get near the age of 45-50. I know and have too many friends who careers have been ruined in their 50’s because they could find a job or keep from being laid off, due to their age. Their prime working earning years are being decimated and neither party cares or addresses this fact. At some point, there needs to be a national strike unless these people all get the message that we are on to the game and the game is OVER. The golden parachute bullsh*t, obscene wealth and ostentatious displays of wealth and the…

They have almost completely stolen our pensions…401K’s are a p*ss poor replacement for pensions still with too many restrictions on them.

Think about it, where did all of that pension money go? I’ll tell you….

Into the golden lined pockets of the “chosen few.”

People are treated as disposable and even more so as they get near the age of 45-50. I know and have too many friends who careers have been ruined in their 50’s because they could find a job or keep from being laid off, due to their age. Their prime working earning years are being decimated and neither party cares or addresses this fact.

At some point, there needs to be a national strike unless these people all get the message that we are on to the game and the game is OVER. The golden parachute bullsh*t, obscene wealth and ostentatious displays of wealth and the utter arrogance needs to go the way of the dodo.

Democrats, Republicans, Independent or whatever, I don’t care. They all do it and there needs to be a movement to stop this the thievery.

Wages aren’t livable any longer for the middle class or poor and longer and it is creeping upwards due to greed…..near everything will be automated with AI and who is going to have a job after that?

Fight me if you want….

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