
Forced to log PTO for being on the bench, then asked to work on PTO day

I work for a consulting company. Our customer abruptly cancelled their project last week. It happens, that's business. So, I'm on the bench this week while they found my next engagement. Today, HR informed me that I was required to log personal PTO for this week while I was on the bench, even though I was at the computer everyday. I'm miffed about this, but I don't want to rock the boat (yet) as I want to keep my employment. Just a few minutes ago, management asked me to start project work for the next engagement after asking me to log PTO for today. I'm ignoring him and will resume work Monday as I will not contribute my personal time to the company. For all intents and purposes, I'm off today per their guidance. If I get blowback from management for not doing project work today, am I justified in…

I work for a consulting company. Our customer abruptly cancelled their project last week. It happens, that's business. So, I'm on the bench this week while they found my next engagement. Today, HR informed me that I was required to log personal PTO for this week while I was on the bench, even though I was at the computer everyday. I'm miffed about this, but I don't want to rock the boat (yet) as I want to keep my employment.

Just a few minutes ago, management asked me to start project work for the next engagement after asking me to log PTO for today. I'm ignoring him and will resume work Monday as I will not contribute my personal time to the company. For all intents and purposes, I'm off today per their guidance.

If I get blowback from management for not doing project work today, am I justified in taking my PTO time for myself? I feel like being asked to work after being told to log PTO is unfair and perhaps illegal.

Edit/update: I'm a full-time salaried, exempt employee.

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