
Boss told me that the company flagged me as “high risk”

My boss came by my desk to congratulate me for my 3 year anniversary with the company. That’s when he said the company flagged me as “high risk” which requires him to have a conversation with me. He elaborated that it means I’m “high risk” in terms of leaving the company for another job, because I guess after 3 years and having recently changed jobs within the company, I’m statistically likely to leave any day now. And they didn’t mention it but I can’t help but wonder if I’m also “high risk” because I told one of the managers that I was updating my resume since my roles changed. Anyway, the “conversation” he was required by policy to have with me was about what’s on my wish list of things I want the company to give me or do for me that would convince me to stay. And surprise, surprise,…


I felt this belonged here.


PSA: Always ensure proper trench shoring. Happened a few days ago in my hometown. Stay safe fellow plumbers.


All the bosses just watching me work

Can’t even cut a tree down without all the office staff coming out to watch.


Fuck people who don’t take their breaks

That’s all. Edit: Since people keep asking me why I care, I think it creates a workplace culture where you are expected to skip your breaks. I’ve worked places where 80% of people skip breaks and those of us who actually take them are looked down on. These are low paying workplaces that don’t treat us well, like who are you trying to impress.


I would jump at the chance to just become a farmer and live in the mountains

I'm so exhausted. All I do is work and I don't really even get to enjoy the money I work so hard for as I'm constantly stressed. I wish for a simpler stress free life where I would get to enjoy nature and life in general.


It’s just too much

So I gotta get this off my chest. I straight up don't understand why working sucks so much. I've genuinely never hated something more than work, I like doing the work and I'm good at what I can put my mind to but I hate the work environment. It makes me feel so dumb and so childish, but I just don't understand why it's the way it is, why we slave away our own precious time to survive. Barely survive if you live paycheck to pay check. It's so exhausting too, mentally, physically, socially. I don't know what to do about it, I'm unskilled, I work in hospitality and I just don't see the point in any of it. I've tried finding a career but it comes up to the same thing everytime. I just can't see the benefits. There are no benefits, it's either survival or nothing. We waste…


Salaries in job ads

Hi r/antiwork, I’m planning a move from a state that requires all companies to post salary ranges to a state that doesn’t and I’m feeling so defeated. First of all, there are far fewer opportunities where I’m trying to move, and second no one posts salary ranges. Yet in the application, they have the nerve to ask you what your minimum salary requirements are. The other day I had an interview where the hiring manager told me that the salary for the position I was applying to was $25k less than what the recruiter told me just a week before. So instead of being up front about the salary in the job posting, the company would rather waste my time with filling out the application, and going through not one, but TWO interviews. I didn’t realize how good it is to live in a state with laws that help job…


I use to get Botox from this doctor who was both ripping off patients and staff

“…suit claims Dr. Curran retaliated against Whitney and withheld $49,000 of overtime pay after the employee repeatedly complained about and objected to Curran’s alleged illegal acts. The former office manager “complained of, and objected to, the above-referenced illegal acts numerous times to defendant Dr. Curran. Despite plaintiff’s complaints and objections to Dr. Curran’s illegal acts, such acts continued unabated,” the federal lawsuit states. “In retaliation for lodging such complaints and objections to Dr. Curran’s illegal acts, the defendant Dr. Curran began retaliating against the plaintiff by frustrating and angering her with the hope that the plaintiff would resign or alternatively with the intention of ultimately terminating the plaintiff….”


OPM Pushes Telework Amidst Smog Conditions In DC |