Bonjour à tous, J'ai 25 ans, je bosse dans le social et ça me plaît pas trop, je compte faire une reconversion en 2024. J'occupe mon premier emploi, depuis septembre 2022 (vive les études longues…). Y a des fois où ça a été assez dur car on m'a demandé de faire des ateliers de 4h avec un public inconnu, etc. Je ne suis pas à l'aise avec le collectif. Je n'ai jamais raté un jour de travail pour autant. Les gens que j'accompagne touchent une aide financière pour leurs démarches. C'est à moi de valider le dossier, et j'ai foiré celui d'une personne. Au début, elle avait pas tous les bons documents donc je ne pouvais rien faire, et après, j'ai oublié de l'envoyer au service administratif. Je me sens super mal parce que je me doute bien que 200 euros par mois pour une ado de 17 ans, c'est…
Author: Olivia
Hi. Ok so my internship was remote. For a few random days, we were required to work in our local office. My problem was that it was very difficult. Transportation would cost hundreds of dollars in Uber and hours to go to the office and home. Also, $10 for lunch. The cost was too high just to work in the office and interact better with other employees. Maybe I would have gone if the company paid for everything but it was still taking up so much of my mine. Do you think not going to those company events stopped me from getting a return offer? I still did all my work.
Lost kitten and job in same day
I'll try to keep this brief. My best friend was forced to quit her job yesterday and later that day also lost her kitten to FIP. Her dad got in a car accident last week, head on Collison and broke his knee. He had to get surgery, and long story short she had to go and take care of him (they have no other family). She told her boss she had to go take care of him and he threw a fit. So she was gone for 3 work days and the day she was supposed to come back her boss made her stay home and do a Google meets with him where he proceeded to yell at her, swear at her and complain that he's never had an employee before who's had so many “life issues”. He was mad she didn't ask permission to go take care of her…
How is this legal? My entire shift I have to have my camera on from chest up and wear office attire. In my home. My supervisor literally sits in a teams meeting with me all day basically watching me in her office and one other remote person. It was not always like this. People within a certain distance of the office were required to return. The company said this new policy is for a “virtual office environment” but it’s basically surveillance. It’s weird and feels violating Does anyone else have to deal with this? It’s making me consider finding a new job, but i just got a good raise
This manga seems fit enough
I can really relate to this
So I neglected a broken wisdom tooth for over a year due to not having health and much less dental care. This year I do (not through my employer but medicaid, I should say) and last week I managed to break the rest of my tooth to the gum line having the nerve exposed. I was in excruciating unbearable pain and I called in sick and went to the dentist on Monday, who referred me to an oral surgeon on Tuesday where I finally had my tooth pulled off, I then called in the following day also due to being still in a lot of pain after the surgery, and honestly high due to the pain meds (I work in a pharmacy and I need to count meds and make sure I’m giving everybody the right medicine among other things, I can’t do a half assed job), I told them…