
Bad Interviews

I’ve seen a lot of stories in here of horrible interviews so I wanted to share my 2 worst. First one was scheduled at 8am, I showed up at 7:44. Sat there until 8:07 before I even saw an employee, he immediately goes off on me for being late to the interview. Boss comes out and tells me I’m pathetic for being late to an interview, I simply said “thanks for wasting my time” and walked out, he followed me to my car screaming at me. Second one was a week after the other interview, I get my interview scheduled for 12:30. Show up and you have to use a phone on the wall to say why you’re there so they’ll unlock the door for you. I show up at 12:22, try the phone 5 times. On the final attempt someone answers and says they’re all taking lunch so I…

I’ve seen a lot of stories in here of horrible interviews so I wanted to share my 2 worst.

First one was scheduled at 8am, I showed up at 7:44. Sat there until 8:07 before I even saw an employee, he immediately goes off on me for being late to the interview. Boss comes out and tells me I’m pathetic for being late to an interview, I simply said “thanks for wasting my time” and walked out, he followed me to my car screaming at me.

Second one was a week after the other interview, I get my interview scheduled for 12:30. Show up and you have to use a phone on the wall to say why you’re there so they’ll unlock the door for you. I show up at 12:22, try the phone 5 times. On the final attempt someone answers and says they’re all taking lunch so I can come in and wait until 1:30. I walked out and they spent the rest of the day calling me to come back and eventually yelled at me to stop wasting people’s time if I want to “make it in this industry.”

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