
Bosses said I would be “loaned out” to other departments and I felt like a tool. I asked for respect and now I’m losing responsibilities and opportunities for growth.

I need a new job. I told my new boss that, respectfully, I didn’t appreciate being treated like a tool and be “loaned out” to other departments as they put it, and that I am a valuable asset of this team and I would appreciate being treated as such. A member of HR was present. Now my duties and opportunities for growth seem to be shrinking with no concrete proof of retaliation.

I need a new job. I told my new boss that, respectfully, I didn’t appreciate being treated like a tool and be “loaned out” to other departments as they put it, and that I am a valuable asset of this team and I would appreciate being treated as such.

A member of HR was present.

Now my duties and opportunities for growth seem to be shrinking with no concrete proof of retaliation.

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