
Calling off fucks over your coworkers. If you want a job you should be responsible.

Worker in the fast food industry here, I see a lot of posts of people who feel entitled to calling off whenever they want without good reason and act like there shouldn’t be any repercussions for their actions, many like to encourage them and tell them that there is nothing wrong about doing tha and they should not feel bad for calling off just because they don’t feel like working that day. This is such a dumb take. When you call off, you are screwing over your employer, which I know most people in this forum couldn’t care less about. I have no sympathy for the owner class, but you should understand that when you call off, you are ALSO screwing over your coworkers who have done nothing wrong. I have to regularly pick up slack for people who won’t show up for the dumbest reasons. It ruins my plans…

Worker in the fast food industry here, I see a lot of posts of people who feel entitled to calling off whenever they want without good reason and act like there shouldn’t be any repercussions for their actions, many like to encourage them and tell them that there is nothing wrong about doing tha and they should not feel bad for calling off just because they don’t feel like working that day.

This is such a dumb take. When you call off, you are screwing over your employer, which I know most people in this forum couldn’t care less about. I have no sympathy for the owner class, but you should understand that when you call off, you are ALSO screwing over your coworkers who have done nothing wrong.

I have to regularly pick up slack for people who won’t show up for the dumbest reasons. It ruins my plans and my ability to enjoy my life because someone calls off simply because they don’t feel like working.

I get that emergencies happen, a few weeks ago I missed two days of work because I hurt my knee, but that was an actual emergency. Some of the reasons people call off these days don’t even make sense and seem planned and deliberate.

I have no problem with people picking their hoirs and not working when they don’t feel it, but they should at least warn everyone in advance before the schedule is made otherwise they are just screwing everyone over

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