
Create a union.

Listen, please create a subreddit for your workplace. Give the example of UPS drivers. Everything is anonymous and you guys and girls can start getting everyone on board with creating a union. Don’t use the exact company name, don’t use your names, don’t reference people specifically or do anything that can have someone get fired. From Walmart to Amazon. Do it discretely and find a union that fits with your employment. For the people in a union, give examples of your union and what kind of work you do. I know PCA makes boxes and is in a union, so it shouldn’t be hard to find a fit. We have to make a change. The actual minimum wage right now is 70,000, let’s push that number up to 100,000 per year. Everyone band together and no hate from the people making good money from their job. This is a reckoning…

Listen, please create a subreddit for your workplace. Give the example of UPS drivers. Everything is anonymous and you guys and girls can start getting everyone on board with creating a union. Don’t use the exact company name, don’t use your names, don’t reference people specifically or do anything that can have someone get fired. From Walmart to Amazon. Do it discretely and find a union that fits with your employment. For the people in a union, give examples of your union and what kind of work you do. I know PCA makes boxes and is in a union, so it shouldn’t be hard to find a fit. We have to make a change. The actual minimum wage right now is 70,000, let’s push that number up to 100,000 per year. Everyone band together and no hate from the people making good money from their job. This is a reckoning that needs to happen.

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