
Doctor’s note to prove height?

So, I am short. Some shelves are taller than me. Loads of shelves, in fact! At grocery stores I climb onto lower shelves to reach stuff all the time. That's just what you have to do when no tall people are around. So when I was at work and shift leader wanted something off high shelf, I stood there looking for some way to climb up. He came in, all 6 feet tallness, and looked at me, then the box he wanted, then back down at me. He sighed, got the box, and said I needed to get a doctor's note saying I was too short to reach high shelves so I wouldn't be assigned that task anymore. Seriously? How about you just pause for half a second and think who you're asking to reach up! Everyone else I work with is totally fine with the fact I am short.…

So, I am short. Some shelves are taller than me. Loads of shelves, in fact! At grocery stores I climb onto lower shelves to reach stuff all the time. That's just what you have to do when no tall people are around. So when I was at work and shift leader wanted something off high shelf, I stood there looking for some way to climb up.

He came in, all 6 feet tallness, and looked at me, then the box he wanted, then back down at me. He sighed, got the box, and said I needed to get a doctor's note saying I was too short to reach high shelves so I wouldn't be assigned that task anymore.

Seriously? How about you just pause for half a second and think who you're asking to reach up! Everyone else I work with is totally fine with the fact I am short. No one else minds giving me a hand. It's bad enough to feel like a little kid who can't reach the cabinets, but now the dude wants a doctor to verify what you can just look at me and see?!

I'm not willing to endure co-pays for such an absurd request. I'm going to pretend the advice never came and see if he forgets about that dumb idea. Worst case scenario, I doubt that the DM will think it a reasonable thing to take time off work to do.

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