
Down with the dress code

As of this morning, the agency I work for has decided to implement a dress code and I am furious about it! This dress code states that we are not allowed to wear sneakers anymore and must always be dressed in professional business casual attire on a day to day, or if we are to work with the public or another official entity, professional business attire, with NO exceptions. I conduct inspections as a part of my job duties. I flat out refuse to conduct an inspection of a construction site in the summer heat in a suit or a dress. It's just not happening. And I'm seething over this because I've worked here for a year, always been trusted to dress myself professionally and now this?! Who cares if I wear flipflops in the office where I see literally no one for hours on end and on video meetings…

As of this morning, the agency I work for has decided to implement a dress code and I am furious about it!

This dress code states that we are not allowed to wear sneakers anymore and must always be dressed in professional business casual attire on a day to day, or if we are to work with the public or another official entity, professional business attire, with NO exceptions.

I conduct inspections as a part of my job duties. I flat out refuse to conduct an inspection of a construction site in the summer heat in a suit or a dress. It's just not happening.

And I'm seething over this because I've worked here for a year, always been trusted to dress myself professionally and now this?! Who cares if I wear flipflops in the office where I see literally no one for hours on end and on video meetings you can't see my goddamn feet. Why is a problem to wear sneakers to go hiking down a river to check a water control structure?! I'm not doing it and while I would love to stake my job on non/malicious compliance, I don't have enough savings to take that risk. So instead, I come here to rant.

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