
Getting shafted on holiday pay

Such a little thing but also so annoyed. I picked up a shift on Memorial Day because the company policy said we’d get an extra $5/hour for working on holidays. Well I worked 3.6 hours and only made an extra $15. Why? Apparently payroll says it’s their policy to only pay the $5 for full hours worked, and not partial hours. So if I had worked 3 hours and 55 min I’d still only get an extra $15 instead of 20.

Such a little thing but also so annoyed.
I picked up a shift on Memorial Day because the company policy said we’d get an extra $5/hour for working on holidays.
Well I worked 3.6 hours and only made an extra $15. Why? Apparently payroll says it’s their policy to only pay the $5 for full hours worked, and not partial hours. So if I had worked 3 hours and 55 min I’d still only get an extra $15 instead of 20.

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