
Goodwill to your bosses won’t ever be rewarded, only exploited.

Exploitative bosses often overload their employees with an excessive workload, unreasonable expectations, and unrealistic deadlines. They instill a culture that glorifies long working hours, causing employees to sacrifice their personal lives and mental well-being in the pursuit of meeting arbitrary targets. You will feel obligated to go the extra mile, fearing being seen as non-committed or replaceable. Exploitative managers disregard the importance of work-life balance, fostering toxic work environments. It will encourage a culture of presenteeism, where you are expected to be physically present for long hours regardless of productivity. This not only affects mental health but also strains personal relationships and contributes to burnout. You will be overworked and undervalued often experience a decline in physical and mental well-being. Stress-related ailments, anxiety, depression, and burnout become prevalent within these work environments, affecting both productivity and your personal life. Only work what is on your contract and nothing more.

Exploitative bosses often overload their employees with an excessive workload, unreasonable expectations, and unrealistic deadlines. They instill a culture that glorifies long working hours, causing employees to sacrifice their personal lives and mental well-being in the pursuit of meeting arbitrary targets. You will feel obligated to go the extra mile, fearing being seen as non-committed or replaceable.

Exploitative managers disregard the importance of work-life balance, fostering toxic work environments. It will encourage a culture of presenteeism, where you are expected to be physically present for long hours regardless of productivity. This not only affects mental health but also strains personal relationships and contributes to burnout.

You will be overworked and undervalued often experience a decline in physical and mental well-being. Stress-related ailments, anxiety, depression, and burnout become prevalent within these work environments, affecting both productivity and your personal life.

Only work what is on your contract and nothing more.

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