
Got fired because a couple employees had complaints that I reported.

I work in a kitchen, not too big of a spot and not to hot, as the sous chef. When I was hired, the head chef used the extra management (being me) as an reason to start getting hammered during service. He would constantly make inappropriate comments to the servers. He would distract the line during service, then get upset and start harassing whatever cook he was distracting when the made a mistake. He would have random outbursts and would throw shit like spatulas or spoons across the kitchen. Then would get mad at someone else for not having their station set up with utensils for service…. because he had just through them for no real reason. It made work toxic and uncomfortable for weeks. One day, a day the head chef had off, I had multiple cooks coke to me and mention how the head chef made them really…

I work in a kitchen, not too big of a spot and not to hot, as the sous chef. When I was hired, the head chef used the extra management (being me) as an reason to start getting hammered during service. He would constantly make inappropriate comments to the servers. He would distract the line during service, then get upset and start harassing whatever cook he was distracting when the made a mistake. He would have random outbursts and would throw shit like spatulas or spoons across the kitchen. Then would get mad at someone else for not having their station set up with utensils for service…. because he had just through them for no real reason.

It made work toxic and uncomfortable for weeks. One day, a day the head chef had off, I had multiple cooks coke to me and mention how the head chef made them really contemplate finding employment elsewhere. The owner ended up hearing about it and chewed him out the following day. (My day off) when I returned to work, and made it through service he fired me on the spot not for work quality, but because he assumes I told the owner to “snitch”.

As I'm collecting my things, he's yelling at me to go cry to owner again.

I really don't know what to do now

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