
Hours reduced from 45 hrs p/week to 20 hrs p/week.

A vent and maybe advice? I'm a teacher at a preschool. This week and next are our new enrollment weeks. The teacher in the room above me is getting my students. I walked in yesterday morning and the school director told me she failed to enroll new students in my room until December so she has to cut my hours. I'm basically doing lesson plans and busy work for four hours a day. I plan on getting a second (or different primary) job. It socks because I love this place, I adore the kids, my coworkers are awesome. I'm trying to figure out if I can get partial unemployment or something. I have no idea how to go about this. I'm sort of still in shock.

A vent and maybe advice?

I'm a teacher at a preschool. This week and next are our new enrollment weeks. The teacher in the room above me is getting my students. I walked in yesterday morning and the school director told me she failed to enroll new students in my room until December so she has to cut my hours. I'm basically doing lesson plans and busy work for four hours a day. I plan on getting a second (or different primary) job. It socks because I love this place, I adore the kids, my coworkers are awesome. I'm trying to figure out if I can get partial unemployment or something. I have no idea how to go about this. I'm sort of still in shock.

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