
I don’t know how people do it.

Don’t know how people study full time and work 5 days. I’m getting anxiety about my uni studies right now. I don’t wanna drop classes cause then that’s gonna push me back graduating another 6 months when I’m already behind on schedule and have pushed back graduating 12 months already by not completing many classes the last 2 semesters and I don’t wanna not drop them but end up failing them cause I’m over whelmed with working too much. Idk what to do. I’m feeling overwhelmed. I already struggle with adhd so everything is already overwhelming without factoring this in. I’m dreading going to work tomorrow. I have lectures all this week and they’ve rostered me on 6 days this week. And if I cancel shifts I’m made to feel bad. I honestly just feel like saying fuck them and ghosting. I’m having a mental breakdown. I do this with…

Don’t know how people study full time and work 5 days. I’m getting anxiety about my uni studies right now. I don’t wanna drop classes cause then that’s gonna push me back graduating another 6 months when I’m already behind on schedule and have pushed back graduating 12 months already by not completing many classes the last 2 semesters and I don’t wanna not drop them but end up failing them cause I’m over whelmed with working too much. Idk what to do. I’m feeling overwhelmed. I already struggle with adhd so everything is already overwhelming without factoring this in. I’m dreading going to work tomorrow. I have lectures all this week and they’ve rostered me on 6 days this week. And if I cancel shifts I’m made to feel bad.

I honestly just feel like saying fuck them and ghosting. I’m having a mental breakdown. I do this with jobs a lot. I overwork myself for months then breakdown at the 6-12 month work.
I’m struggling

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