
I have been unemployed for 5 years now, and am looking to go back to work, but no one is willing to hire someone with such a large work-gap.

It's really making me start to reevaluate whether it's even WORTH getting a job anymore. I have been a SAHM to my two kids for 5 years now, and living with my in-laws for 1.5 years, and am looking to re-enter the workforce to have some sort of purpose again beyond feeling like a nanny to my own kids. I've put in hundreds of applications, remote work, retail, call centers, food service, waiting tables, and no matter how hard I try, no matter how many interviews I get and go to, no matter how many times I think I do well, it's never enough. I dress appropriately, when I wear makeup I make sure not to overdo it, I research the company I'm applying and interviewing for, I ask interested follow-up questions. Is it even really worth it to keep trying? Note: I know this isn't really the right sub…

It's really making me start to reevaluate whether it's even WORTH getting a job anymore.

I have been a SAHM to my two kids for 5 years now, and living with my in-laws for 1.5 years, and am looking to re-enter the workforce to have some sort of purpose again beyond feeling like a nanny to my own kids.

I've put in hundreds of applications, remote work, retail, call centers, food service, waiting tables, and no matter how hard I try, no matter how many interviews I get and go to, no matter how many times I think I do well, it's never enough. I dress appropriately, when I wear makeup I make sure not to overdo it, I research the company I'm applying and interviewing for, I ask interested follow-up questions.

Is it even really worth it to keep trying?

Note: I know this isn't really the right sub for this, but I needed to rant somewhere because it is eating me inside, and my family just shrugs it off as if it's no big deal.

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