
Is it a bad idea to question authority?

I currently work at a call center and have worked for previous ones for the past 5 years. About 3 of them have very shady practices or treat their employees like pure crap. As I think back I always find myself voicing my opinions at these jobs but no one else ever does. I question management practices and make people explain to me why they want me to do things they ask of me if I just think they’re trying to cut corners in their own work. Is this bad in a work environment?

I currently work at a call center and have worked for previous ones for the past 5 years. About 3 of them have very shady practices or treat their employees like pure crap. As I think back I always find myself voicing my opinions at these jobs but no one else ever does. I question management practices and make people explain to me why they want me to do things they ask of me if I just think they’re trying to cut corners in their own work. Is this bad in a work environment?

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