
Is there any rule about access to water at work?

I know that OSHA states that employers must provide potable water. I work at a grocery store and there IS a water fountain in the store where people can fill up water bottles. However, it is at the complete opposite end of the store from my department. I work in the back of the store in a room with ZERO air conditioning. We do not have water back there despite the heat and the fact that we are in one of the more physically demanding departments in the store. If I want water, I have to go upstairs to the break room (complete opposite side of the store) to get to my personal water bottle. We're told that we're not allowed personal water bottles in the department. because of “sanitation.” I'm a personal shopper providing a service. I handle PACKAGED foods- so the risk of me with my water bottle…

I know that OSHA states that employers must provide potable water. I work at a grocery store and there IS a water fountain in the store where people can fill up water bottles. However, it is at the complete opposite end of the store from my department. I work in the back of the store in a room with ZERO air conditioning. We do not have water back there despite the heat and the fact that we are in one of the more physically demanding departments in the store. If I want water, I have to go upstairs to the break room (complete opposite side of the store) to get to my personal water bottle.

We're told that we're not allowed personal water bottles in the department. because of “sanitation.” I'm a personal shopper providing a service. I handle PACKAGED foods- so the risk of me with my water bottle is about the same as the risk of any customer in the store with a beverage. With the exception of fresh produce, everything I handle is already packaged (and again, it is the same fresh produce that any customer can handle).

Are there any rules about how easily we should access water? I just know that if I have to go all the way upstairs (past a door with a security code lock) just to get sips of water in between orders, I'm NOT going to drink enough water.

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