
It’s my day off!?!

My manager likes to arrange in person team meetings on Thursdays. My contracted working days are Monday, Tuesday and Friday so I’m aware that I have no contractual obligation to be there, however out of good nature I often will and take TOIL the following day (my company does not pay overtime). Anyway I ended up not having access to my car so called my manager to let her know that I would not be able to make the meeting in person but that I could still join virtually, she got very annoyed saying that I wouldn’t be able to meaningfully contribute and that it’s good for team morale for us to all be there. I think she’s forgetting that it is my day off and I’m the one doing her a favour here? Giving up 3 hours of my time to join on teams is more than enough good…

My manager likes to arrange in person team meetings on Thursdays. My contracted working days are Monday, Tuesday and Friday so I’m aware that I have no contractual obligation to be there, however out of good nature I often will and take TOIL the following day (my company does not pay overtime).

Anyway I ended up not having access to my car so called my manager to let her know that I would not be able to make the meeting in person but that I could still join virtually, she got very annoyed saying that I wouldn’t be able to meaningfully contribute and that it’s good for team morale for us to all be there. I think she’s forgetting that it is my day off and I’m the one doing her a favour here? Giving up 3 hours of my time to join on teams is more than enough good will on my part. Had a traveled to the meeting in person it would’ve been 5 hours of my time taken.

Next time she arranges it for a Thursday I won’t be attending in any way. She wants me there she can book it on a day that I work. I’m not giving up any more of my time for her to get annoyed when I am under no obligation to do so.

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