
My boss micromanages, and i’m torn between working fast paced or slowing down when completing my tasks/deadlines?

I'm a nurse and work from home. Along with my other colleagues. We're a pretty small team since we're all nurses. There's around 6 of us currently, and then there's my manager. My Friend 'Amy' and i have been the two nurses who's tasks are mainly calling doctors clinics, scheduling appontments for the other nurses as we also work with insurance companies. I was able to manage a large amount of cases in my name, and my other colleague was falling behind as there were only two of us. In the beginning, my manager mentioned our target was around 5-10 appointments booked daily. I excelled in booking appointments for my other colleagues and would often book around 18-20 or so daily. it depends if the clinics would allow it as we have around an 8-10 day deadline and if we could not schedule it, then it would be changed to…

I'm a nurse and work from home. Along with my other colleagues. We're a pretty small team since we're all nurses. There's around 6 of us currently, and then there's my manager. My Friend 'Amy' and i have been the two nurses who's tasks are mainly calling doctors clinics, scheduling appontments for the other nurses as we also work with insurance companies.

I was able to manage a large amount of cases in my name, and my other colleague was falling behind as there were only two of us. In the beginning, my manager mentioned our target was around 5-10 appointments booked daily. I excelled in booking appointments for my other colleagues and would often book around 18-20 or so daily. it depends if the clinics would allow it as we have around an 8-10 day deadline and if we could not schedule it, then it would be changed to a medical report for the Dr's to complete. My manager was amazed that i could consistently book these appointments and work very quickly, while my friend was falling behind and could only book 5 or so a day, some days she had off due to being sick and fell behind. whereas i've never had a day off, and i liked to get everything completed within my 8 hour shift before i clocked off teams/our system. Things got super busy when there weren't enough nurses to complete the appointments with the Dr's and my colleague and i had to fill in essentially completing two jobs. when we were only meant to be scheduling appointments with clinics. My manager now wants us to book 20 appointments DAILY. and i think i've accidentally set the bar too high, when i only like working quickly/efficiently as it keeps me busy and i like seeing my progress/challenging myself. as in general i don't like falling behind in anything.

As our team got super busy, i would sometimes finish an hour or two later, therefore my shift was 9- or 10 hours, which in the beginning my manager said nothing, but then asked me to only do 8 hours. At first i was kinda shocked because i was the only nurse actually DOING work and getting things done efficiently, never slacking off and making phone calls every minute (my manager checks phone logs) and micromanages a lot. so i'm never fluffing about doing nothing? My manager just hired another nurse on our team, and i just noticed yesterday she had gotten a lot of cases in her caseload (clinics to call) (and i have been training her for the past three days as my boss had stuck her with me) and i barely received any new insurance cases which means i had to work at a slower pace on Friday so i didn't run through all of my cases and look like i was doing nothing.

I'm worried that since i've received no further cases, and this new colleague has received a lot that maybe my manager is trying to cut my hours? i'm thinking i should possibly work slower and not push myself so hard anymore. My manager also asks every single couple of hours “How are we going with bookings how many have you all booked?” I find it really irritating and i'm kind of getting sick of it? I feel like my manager only sees us as robots. I'm needing some advice on what to do!

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