
My friends got a big scholarship, they glorified or mentioned certain things that didn’t count on the application. Should i do the same or lie a little?

It was a really important and prestigious scholarship, and in one of the questions they asked about any leadership roles in “national/international socities”. Another question was whether i have written any publications, papers etc. I took both of this very literally and said none in both, whereas two of the friends that got it they mentioned stuff like being the leader of a school project in their master or uni groups. They also mentioned projects they did in university, tho they don't have any published work. This year i can apply again. Should i embellish the stuff that i did in uni and add it? There is no way they would check i think. I might honestly also come up with some of those leadership positions etc ​

It was a really important and prestigious scholarship, and in one of the questions they asked about any leadership roles in “national/international socities”. Another question was whether i have written any publications, papers etc.

I took both of this very literally and said none in both, whereas two of the friends that got it they mentioned stuff like being the leader of a school project in their master or uni groups. They also mentioned projects they did in university, tho they don't have any published work.

This year i can apply again. Should i embellish the stuff that i did in uni and add it? There is no way they would check i think. I might honestly also come up with some of those leadership positions etc

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