
My manager’s mom is in the hospital and is taking it out on everyone

First off I've worked in this fast food joint for about 2 months. I have autism and they claim that they let me do what I need for my sensory issues but then when it comes down to it I can't really. They claim I can hide in the office for a 5 minute break if I get over stimulated but I never have the time to because I'm the only one at my job with my job title. I'll literally get had enough that I start twitching and stimming and just not doing well overall that I have to go home not be touched in a dark room. So I can not leave my area. I tried using noise dampening earbuds and one manager saw them and told me not to use them as I need to hear ovens. One thing about me is I don't want to mess…

First off I've worked in this fast food joint for about 2 months. I have autism and they claim that they let me do what I need for my sensory issues but then when it comes down to it I can't really. They claim I can hide in the office for a 5 minute break if I get over stimulated but I never have the time to because I'm the only one at my job with my job title. I'll literally get had enough that I start twitching and stimming and just not doing well overall that I have to go home not be touched in a dark room. So I can not leave my area. I tried using noise dampening earbuds and one manager saw them and told me not to use them as I need to hear ovens.

One thing about me is I don't want to mess up so if I have a question I'll ask like normally it's when I can start my closing process because I get in trouble for overtime so sometimes I can start it earlier then normal if I'm set up. Most the time I end up with a few hours of overtime a week. Even with doing this because I'm the only one who does all the dishes used during my 8 hour shift by everyone and cleans my area and I also take every little bit of trash out in the building.

I'm having issues with 2 of my managers manager 1 is just known by all as a bitch. And 2 for some reason people claim she's nice . I've had issues with both of them when they have bad days and take them out on me one day they both belittled me for 10 minutes because I closed when I was told to by another manager and we had a freak rush when we normally dont.

Today we had issues with manager 2 like alot alot. Manager 2s mom is in the hospital she had surgery which it is understandable to be upset and hurt and she's choosing to come to work to keep her mind off it.

One of my tools broke and I needed to know if I could toss it asked her and she told me that I could I then remember that it's not 100% broken and this could cost up to like 50$ I better ask the boss boss before I do so I did. I guess I offended her because when I asked if I could get rid of some water the boss boss said to keep because she said that awhile ago she told me I am no longer allowed to ask her any questions starting today because I won't listen and will go to the boss boss. So the remainder of the day I had to search high and low to find a manager besides her because she wouldn't answer me.

Later on during the day I hear her arguing with someone someone told her she has no right to treat them like that and I quote “her mom is in the hospital and had open heart surgery and she has every single right to take any frustration on anyone she sees fit”

Like no you do not. I've lost both my parents I've dealt with so much shit and I have never decided hey I feel like treating these people who did absolutely nothing like trash because I'm upset.

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