
Need an advice

I’ve been working as a domestic worker for a single family for 8 years now. Pay and benefits are great, but my bosses are rather toxic ppl. I’m rarely addressed and when I am, it’s usually for purpose of ritual humiliation and mockery. My work was never reviewed, or given any feedback (except negative when they find an opportunity to do so). Basically I feel like I’m working in a vacuum. I’m solely responsible for technical maintenance and hygiene of their 20K sqft home, plus additional properties. They haven’t fired me yet, so I guess they are satisfied with my performance (in their way.) It’s a “new money” millionaire family, they’ve inherited family business and now just skimming off profits and living off stock market dividends. They have at least a 10K other employees who are severely underpaid (from what I overheard). As much I’m enjoying my salary and benefits,…

I’ve been working as a domestic worker for a single family for 8 years now. Pay and benefits are great, but my bosses are rather toxic ppl. I’m rarely addressed and when I am, it’s usually for purpose of ritual humiliation and mockery. My work was never reviewed, or given any feedback (except negative when they find an opportunity to do so). Basically I feel like I’m working in a vacuum. I’m solely responsible for technical maintenance and hygiene of their 20K sqft home, plus additional properties. They haven’t fired me yet, so I guess they are satisfied with my performance (in their way.) It’s a “new money” millionaire family, they’ve inherited family business and now just skimming off profits and living off stock market dividends. They have at least a 10K other employees who are severely underpaid (from what I overheard).
As much I’m enjoying my salary and benefits, occasionally I’m dreaming of quitting. However, I realized I’m actually afraid of them (and their team of lawyers). The relationship is such that I fear of their retaliation once I give my 2 weeks notice.
For example, I was given a credit card for work purposes with my name and SS# attached to it. Occasionally they “forget” to pay the balance and my credit rating plunges every time. I cannot cancel that credit card even though my name is on it, since they are the account holder. They might decide to max it out and not pay, just to spite me after I leave.
I understand hundreds would probably k*ll to have my position, but this interpersonal aspect has been extremely uncomfortable from day one. I’ve accepted the job because I was nearly homeless when they hired me 8 years ago.
Any advice on how to actually plan my exit would be appreciated. (I don’t need “just shut up and be grateful”, because I’ve been repeating it to myself every single day since I started working for them).

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