
Opinion on being fired for no reason

[Reposted from another subreddit I posted in] Employer kisses my ass for a month straight [literally keeps telling me how amazing I am and how lucky they are to have me on the team] everyday then fires me on a random Wednesday after I was already assigned new projects [deadline September] as a Junior Web Designer. Says “we hope to have you back when you get more experience” What should I understand from this? And how do I stay confident still? I feel like my highschool sweetheart broke up with me lol. Thank you for any advice! [EDIT] Sorry everyone, was asleep! More details: I only worked there for 1 month, they contacted me and after a “work test” they said I am an amazing fit for their company. Did my job, web design/logo/brand identity so pretty much everything they asked me to do. Was replying and delivering very quick…

[Reposted from another subreddit I posted in]

Employer kisses my ass for a month straight [literally keeps telling me how amazing I am and how lucky they are to have me on the team] everyday then fires me on a random Wednesday after I was already assigned new projects [deadline September] as a Junior Web Designer.

Says “we hope to have you back when you get more experience”

What should I understand from this? And how do I stay confident still? I feel like my highschool sweetheart broke up with me lol.

Thank you for any advice!

[EDIT] Sorry everyone, was asleep! More details: I only worked there for 1 month, they contacted me and after a “work test” they said I am an amazing fit for their company. Did my job, web design/logo/brand identity so pretty much everything they asked me to do. Was replying and delivering very quick and they told me in every meeting we had how amazing I am at this job. Got added to the future projects one morning after the meeting [in which once again I was praised] and then…POOF got removed an hour later and been fired. I was a Junior Web Designer there, there was a senior one but we got along very well. They told me at the end of the “review meeting” [which was the moment I got fired] that it’s not me it’s them etc. and they would love me to join them again once I gain more experience. But you know, they knew I’m a junior and I only worked there one month so… else to gain experience if not working more with you? That got me confused

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