
Rant: Boss Lied and Threw Me Under the Bus to Corp

Fun fact about me: My absolute biggest pet peeve when it comes to work is being accused of not doing my job, I take it very personally. My corporate counter-part (henceforth known as Dumb-Dumb) messed up a residents financial account, badly, 2 weeks ago. I do not have the access to fix what she broke. This mess up is so bad that my resident could lose her Medicaid benefits. The county, residents family, and I have been trying to get her to fix it ever since, but she has not been cooperative. My boss and his boss are aware of this because I have cc'd them on all of my correspondence with Dumb-Dumb and spoken to them both in person about it. I went on a 3 day vacation last week. Before I left I told my boss that the account was still messed up (I told him verbally and…

Fun fact about me: My absolute biggest pet peeve when it comes to work is being accused of not doing my job, I take it very personally.

My corporate counter-part (henceforth known as Dumb-Dumb) messed up a residents financial account, badly, 2 weeks ago. I do not have the access to fix what she broke. This mess up is so bad that my resident could lose her Medicaid benefits. The county, residents family, and I have been trying to get her to fix it ever since, but she has not been cooperative. My boss and his boss are aware of this because I have cc'd them on all of my correspondence with Dumb-Dumb and spoken to them both in person about it.

I went on a 3 day vacation last week. Before I left I told my boss that the account was still messed up (I told him verbally and in an email) and that Dumb-Dumb was going to be out of office the same days as me. While I'm gone he calls me asking if Dumb-Dumb ever fixed the account, I reiterate that she did not fix it before I left so to my knowledge it is still messed up.

I came back from vacation to an email sent from my boss to Dumb-Dumb 10 minutes after he called me, cc'ing myself and his boss stating “OP didn't provide me with an update before she went on vacation. What is the status?” He knew she was out of the office and unable to answers emails, so emailing her accomplishes nothing.

But most importantly he bold-faced lied saying I didn't update him and basically accuses me of not doing my job (which is to update him on this nonsense). It is such a stupid lie because everyone knows I updated him before I left, they were all cc'd and updated together. So what does lying about me accomplish? And if you are going to have gall to lie about me, don't add me to the email chain!

It is taking all of my willpower not to reply to his email and call him out. The only thing replying would accomplish is then he'd march into my office all huffy and chew me out for “making him look bad”.

Between him and Dumb-Dumb I don't know how anything is going to get done while I'm on medical leave for 3 weeks…

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