
Reapplied to a former employer on a whim.

Decided to try my luck with a company I worked at for just shy of 6 years previously, only reason I left was due to relocation out of state and there being no transfer options in our new state, and no option for WFH at the time (left early pandemic circa 2020). Fast forward, found out they are expanding in the state we are in now, while also offering WFH where possible. Found the exact same role I spent the majority of my years in available in my now current state and WFH. Figured since I left on good terms and verified I am considered a yes for rehire, why not try. 5 weeks after applying I received an automated rejection email, the scripted reasoning “not the best match.” Decided to talk with one of my former co workers who I’m great friends with about it, and who just so…

Decided to try my luck with a company I worked at for just shy of 6 years previously, only reason I left was due to relocation out of state and there being no transfer options in our new state, and no option for WFH at the time (left early pandemic circa 2020).

Fast forward, found out they are expanding in the state we are in now, while also offering WFH where possible. Found the exact same role I spent the majority of my years in available in my now current state and WFH. Figured since I left on good terms and verified I am considered a yes for rehire, why not try.

5 weeks after applying I received an automated rejection email, the scripted reasoning “not the best match.”

Decided to talk with one of my former co workers who I’m great friends with about it, and who just so happened to have recently left the company. Only to discover just how much I was being taken advantage of during my time.

During 3.5 of the years I was there, I was one of the top performing people at my level / role, not just at my site but also recognized nationally within the company. I was the go to person at my site for a bunch of different projects, and excelled at all of them, but was also open to feedback when presented. Was tasked with creating and maintaining new hire / new department employee training materials, processes, and policies for 2 years, that from my understanding is still used to this day, but now at the national level for that department.

Mind you, this was all for no added pay or compensation of any kind.

In discussing the situation with my friend, we discovered they were making $1.75 an hour more than I was in 2020 when I left, they had been with the company almost a full year shorter than I and came in with zero experience. And I was making $3+ an hour over the listed starting hourly wage at the time for the role when I left.

Also found out, the person who took over the new hire / new department employee training program after my departure received national recognition from the company for everything I put in place and created, and received a $1,000 post tax lump sum bonus for it. (Also discovered the person who nominated them was someone they reported to directly, and had a previous personal relationship with before working for the company together).

Loyalty and hard work means nothing to fortunate 100 companies.

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