
Remote company has really strict timekeeping practices that I am worried will put me at over 40 hours a week. Can anyone offer some advice on whether I should still take this job?

I am desperate for work, but while I work full-time, I will be taking a coding bootcamp outside of work. The timekeeping requirements concern me. I signed the offer letter, but I did not sign all the agreements. I am also expected to complete certifications for the job within the probationary period. The company hasn't decided yet if we do this on the job or outside the job. Obviously, I am going to push for on the job, or they can let me go, lol. Here are some concerns I am having: The company has a strict timekeeping policy. I am wondering if I should ask what the code for certifications will be, as there is no way I am doing them outside my hours (8-5) when I am not getting paid (it is salaried). Here is the timekeeping agreement: Employees are required to submit their time records by Friday…

I am desperate for work, but while I work full-time, I will be taking a coding bootcamp outside of work. The timekeeping requirements concern me. I signed the offer letter, but I did not sign all the agreements. I am also expected to complete certifications for the job within the probationary period. The company hasn't decided yet if we do this on the job or outside the job. Obviously, I am going to push for on the job, or they can let me go, lol.

Here are some concerns I am having:

  • The company has a strict timekeeping policy.
  • I am wondering if I should ask what the code for certifications will be, as there is no way I am doing them outside my hours (8-5) when I am not getting paid (it is salaried).

Here is the timekeeping agreement:

Employees are required to submit their time records by Friday at 3pm EST each week as directed by their managers via the Startlytimekeeping system. Time records must show all hours worked with project codes, departmental codes, and labor distribution codes(e.g., hours worked, vacation time, sick time) that were incurred for the week. Time records are required to be accurate and shouldnot be completed in advance.Each employee is to obtain correct project/departmental codes and maintain an accurate daily record on their time record of hoursworked and the correct codes prior to submission by the following Monday at 3pm EST each week.Employees who are found to be offenders of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action in alignment with the company's 3-strikesystem as follows:• Strike 1: Email warning• Strike 2: Email warning• Strike 3: Formal documented written warning plus reduction of 1 level for the overall performance rating during the annualreview cycle.Reduction of 1 performance rating leads to approximately 40% reduction in the annual increase amount,meaning a $2,000 annual increase would be reduced to $1,200.

| Initial Performance Rating | Revised Performance Rating |


| Exceeds Expectations | Meets Expectations |

| Meets Expectations | Below Expectations |

| Below Expectations | Unacceptable |

There will be NO exception process in place for missed timesheets. Resources on PTO should plan to submit timesheets prior togoing on PTO. Resources should also plan to submit timesheets prior to corporate travel.

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