
They can’t fire us all

Hey everyone, I was just scrolling thru r/antiwork and noticed (like always) a lot of F**ked up stuff but, I don't see any post about people protesting or going strikes for these atrocitiesthe companiesand gov are doing. I notice a lot of talk but a lack of action. Idk the demographic of this sub reddit but it kind of surprise me no one has started anything. If people really created a movement to raid the area 51 and brought a lot of attention, why can we start something like it? 1 day that no one goes to work, just 1 day. Use a point, a sick day, a vac day or a medical excuse and let's all just don't go to work, you know like, let's do something about it, other than just read it on the internet and get mad at work from the sofa. Let's do a new…

Hey everyone, I was just scrolling thru r/antiwork and noticed (like always) a lot of F**ked up stuff but, I don't see any post about people protesting or going strikes for these atrocitiesthe companiesand gov are doing. I notice a lot of talk but a lack of action. Idk the demographic of this sub reddit but it kind of surprise me no one has started anything. If people really created a movement to raid the area 51 and brought a lot of attention, why can we start something like it?

1 day that no one goes to work, just 1 day. Use a point, a sick day, a vac day or a medical excuse and let's all just don't go to work, you know like, let's do something about it, other than just read it on the internet and get mad at work from the sofa. Let's do a new Haymarket-like protest (without the fatalities please) and go for it. Would they fire us all? Idk, but at least let's do something… at least try…

Let's do something for our rights, people has died for us to have it better, are you ok with that sacrifice being in vine?

Excuse my English.

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