
This legal? Entire paycheck withheld

I'll try and keep this simple. Daughter was overpaid due to the hourly rate being higher than agreed upon. Daughter's first job so she's learning how to read a paycheck stub, etc… Boss tells her we will reduce your rate below what you should be making to make up the difference until the amount balances out. The problem… this next paycheck the boss withheld the entire check. Big fat $0.00. From what the I read online in my state employer must pay minimum wage during the period of the balance being paid off. I am beyond livid and this bitch fucked with the wrong parent. I don't want to to be a helicopter parent, but fucking my daughter out of her entire pay is beyond fucked in my opinion.

I'll try and keep this simple.

Daughter was overpaid due to the hourly rate being higher than agreed upon. Daughter's first job so she's learning how to read a paycheck stub, etc…

Boss tells her we will reduce your rate below what you should be making to make up the difference until the amount balances out.

The problem… this next paycheck the boss withheld the entire check. Big fat $0.00.

From what the I read online in my state employer must pay minimum wage during the period of the balance being paid off.

I am beyond livid and this bitch fucked with the wrong parent. I don't want to to be a helicopter parent, but fucking my daughter out of her entire pay is beyond fucked in my opinion.

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