
Tired of people in the US that don’t ever want to question the system they live in

Seriously! Why is it that people accept things like high cost of living and high work weeks as the law of fucking physics when it is something that can be changed?? Honest to god I hate what the modern work culture does to peoples heads… I get that people have to raise families and all, but accepting no mandatory paid leave in the US, being fine with spending little time with friends, not taking it slow and taking the world in around them, not wanting to pursue hobbies more, or to self reflect on the world they live in, WTF has this shit come to? It's all about bills bills profit and not much else… The world can be a much better place if people start asking the right questions more often. Like why does cost of living really need to be this high/why can't it be a lot less?…

Seriously! Why is it that people accept things like high cost of living and high work weeks as the law of fucking physics when it is something that can be changed?? Honest to god I hate what the modern work culture does to peoples heads… I get that people have to raise families and all, but accepting no mandatory paid leave in the US, being fine with spending little time with friends, not taking it slow and taking the world in around them, not wanting to pursue hobbies more, or to self reflect on the world they live in, WTF has this shit come to? It's all about bills bills profit and not much else…

The world can be a much better place if people start asking the right questions more often. Like why does cost of living really need to be this high/why can't it be a lot less? Or why do we need to work this much when we have technology to help us? etc
I just don't get why they are fine with spending the rest of their life like this, like what the hell?

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