
Vacation in a month and new job

So I recently had a interview in June with a limited term full time state job (9 month job). It’s a “dream job” minus the limited part in regards to my work responsibilities. I hardly mention vacation during interviews unless it’s going to be very upcoming and I feel a offer will be made on the spot in fear of getting them mad. I had to wait for a background check since the offer was contingent, again I don’t want to wait to long to tell them but I don’t want them to get pissed off to early, today I just heard by email I passed everything and they want me to start July 24th. That’s fine with me, I do have a week vacation I had already plan though right before Labor Day leading into it, so I would assume it’s good idea for me now to accept the…

So I recently had a interview in June with a limited term full time state job (9 month job). It’s a “dream job” minus the limited part in regards to my work responsibilities. I hardly mention vacation during interviews unless it’s going to be very upcoming and I feel a offer will be made on the spot in fear of getting them mad.

I had to wait for a background check since the offer was contingent, again I don’t want to wait to long to tell them but I don’t want them to get pissed off to early, today I just heard by email I passed everything and they want me to start July 24th. That’s fine with me, I do have a week vacation I had already plan though right before Labor Day leading into it, so I would assume it’s good idea for me now to accept the final offer and tell them ( via email so it’s on record) about my vacation, but how do you guys think I should word it?

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