
What is there to look forward to?

I just got laid off for the 2nd in 2 years. The first time was due to covid in 2021 and in 2023 it’s due to inflation and cost of doing business going up. I’ve had 6 different jobs in 2 years. First layoff was from covid. Then the sales job from hell was second. I quit. Then a contract role, it ended. Then I picked up a part time minimum wage job. Then I picked up another contract job while working part time, that ended. Worked part time some more. Got a full time job and got laid off again and I’m just wondering what even is the point of trying? As a young person I think this maybe the worst time to be in your 20’s since WWII. I could be wrong, I wasn’t in my 20’s at an earlier time. Wages are horrible. Cost of living is…

I just got laid off for the 2nd in 2 years. The first time was due to covid in 2021 and in 2023 it’s due to inflation and cost of doing business going up.

I’ve had 6 different jobs in 2 years. First layoff was from covid. Then the sales job from hell was second. I quit. Then a contract role, it ended. Then I picked up a part time minimum wage job.

Then I picked up another contract job while working part time, that ended. Worked part time some more. Got a full time job and got laid off again and I’m just wondering what even is the point of trying?

As a young person I think this maybe the worst time to be in your 20’s since WWII. I could be wrong, I wasn’t in my 20’s at an earlier time.

Wages are horrible. Cost of living is sky rocketing.

The climate change alarm bell is ringing.

Never being able to own a home.

I’m all for automation if used well and used to move towards UBI but the threat of A.I being used against us is always there.

Government leaders couldn’t care less about us.

We won’t be able to afford to start a family.

Won’t be able to afford to move out.

I don’t see what there is to look forward to?

I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

This isn’t suicidal at all. I’m just wondering what’s the point. What is there to work for and look forward to in our future?

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