
what value does a dr note actually have?

So I recently injured myself during a vacation and was asked to get clearance before returning to work. I asked if a “desk-work” clearance would suffice or if I was to be fully cleared in order to return. For context – my job involves about 50% desk work and 50% general maintenance, running around the building to bring things to people, receive things from the front door (up a half flight) etc. I was told a desk work only notw would be okay. My dr provided a note clearing me for one week of desk work. Since returning I am being regularly asked to do things away from my desk. Most recently I was yelled at for not moving fast enough from my desk, up a half flight of stairs, to get the front door. (I was with a client at the time and even if I could move that…

So I recently injured myself during a vacation and was asked to get clearance before returning to work. I asked if a “desk-work” clearance would suffice or if I was to be fully cleared in order to return. For context – my job involves about 50% desk work and 50% general maintenance, running around the building to bring things to people, receive things from the front door (up a half flight) etc. I was told a desk work only notw would be okay.

My dr provided a note clearing me for one week of desk work. Since returning I am being regularly asked to do things away from my desk. Most recently I was yelled at for not moving fast enough from my desk, up a half flight of stairs, to get the front door. (I was with a client at the time and even if I could move that quickly, normally I would not have). I was told if I cannot move quickly or switch tasks then I am “useless.” I said if I'm useless, I'd be happy to go home and was told I could (passive aggressively), and then my boss slammed her office door shut (very mature woman) I respect and love my coworkers, and the job we do involves children, so I'm not willing to just walk out when I know that no one else is supervising the door.

I am wondering though- what is the value of my drs note and partial work release if I am just going to be patronized and yelled at? Is there something I should/could do about this situation?

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