
Would you go back?

So I got a second job cleaning this older lady's small apartment. The first week I was there, I busted my hump to clean her entire apartment and then i built furniture for her which wasn't part of my job but I did it because she had no one else to do it. That was only a couple days though as she called me off thursday and then i had appoinments friday and Monday which, the company i was working through (shes my client but the company paid me), told me to take the whole days off for both days. On Tuesday I walked to her apartment, about an hours walk, in the rain. Knock on the door. No answer. Her dog goes crazy and she yells at him to be quiet. It's a small apartment and she sleeps in the living rooms and her dog was barking plus it…

So I got a second job cleaning this older lady's small apartment. The first week I was there, I busted my hump to clean her entire apartment and then i built furniture for her which wasn't part of my job but I did it because she had no one else to do it.

That was only a couple days though as she called me off thursday and then i had appoinments friday and Monday which, the company i was working through (shes my client but the company paid me), told me to take the whole days off for both days.

On Tuesday I walked to her apartment, about an hours walk, in the rain. Knock on the door. No answer. Her dog goes crazy and she yells at him to be quiet. It's a small apartment and she sleeps in the living rooms and her dog was barking plus it was 9 o'clock, my start time. She had to know I was out there. I knocked several times and said her name loudly a couple times. No answer.

Confused, I leave. I call the company that hired me and they can't figure it out either. I chalked it up to “well i guess I'm fired.” Went on with my day

The client texted me later that day and apologized and claimed she wasn't feeling well. I never replied. I was angry and my feelings were hurt so I just ignored her.

I got a text from the company wanting me to start working there again tomorrow. I kinda don't want to now because I was looking forward to spending the summer with my kids. I have another job that I can live off the income but won't be able to save up for a car like I'd planned when I took on this second job. Now I'll have to find childcare again for the summer, if I take the job, which I had all lined up and had to tell the childcare provider nevermind after the client didn't answer me that morning.

My pride is telling me not to go back, but my brain is telling me I should. I don't know what to do. I accepted the job but I don't have to go if I don't want to. What would you do?

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