
Would you stay?

Hello, I am a 25M who is a contracted federal guard. I am a full time college student and am on my last class of my associates and beginning my bachelors. Due to college and VA appointments I was assigned to a night post that paid 25$ an hour. This quickly became not the case. From the beginning I was given different post and much more hours than I signed up for. But the money was good and I was in debt at the time so I dealt with it. Now things have changed, a year later I got my disability approved from the VA and am making good money off of that combined with my housing allowance for school. But my classes are getting harder and several of them will drop you from the course if you miss a single assignment and for the last 3 weeks I have…

Hello, I am a 25M who is a contracted federal guard. I am a full time college student and am on my last class of my associates and beginning my bachelors. Due to college and VA appointments I was assigned to a night post that paid 25$ an hour. This quickly became not the case. From the beginning I was given different post and much more hours than I signed up for. But the money was good and I was in debt at the time so I dealt with it. Now things have changed, a year later I got my disability approved from the VA and am making good money off of that combined with my housing allowance for school. But my classes are getting harder and several of them will drop you from the course if you miss a single assignment and for the last 3 weeks I have consistently worked nothing but doubles totaling in 60 hours a week. And because of the zero tolerance policy on missed assignments I do school work from when I get home at 10 pm and until past midnight, then get up for work again at 6. The money is great but I have so much homework and chores on the weekends that I don’t get to spend it. It’s effecting my relationship as well, and I’m just not sure if the money is worth all of my time. Any insight would be appreciated.

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