
What is wrong with recruiters?

I wonder why people hate them this much? Would there be a reason?


What information could you possibly be collecting like this

It was like 20 pages of this. Most of them had the same words to pick with different questions. Will you pass over my application if I choose ‘systematic’ and not ‘precise’ what are we doing here?


my wages were reset in the company payroll system

i've been working at a restaurant for a few years and recently have been asking for a raise. after about a month of begging my GM I finally received a raise to a base pay of $5/hr (I work in a state that mandates a server rate of $2.13/hr). I received one check with my new wage, and the following check was reset to my previous rate. Does anyone with experience operating payroll systems know if it's possible for an employees pay to be reset automatically after it's been changed? I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it feels like my GM reset my pay intentionally and hoped I wouldn't notice.


So I think my company is trying to force me to quit

Hey everyone, so I’m in a bit of a pickle at the moment. I work for a fairly big property company in the maintenance department. Been working here for less than a year but I have great rapport with my coworkers, however my upper management team has always seemed to not like me for reasons unknown. I was given a warning about a month and a half ago about attendance (I was having a rough time at the moment and I was being late/calling out). After that I cleaned my act up, was early every day and taking my job a bit more seriously. Fast forward to yesterday, I get called to the corporate office and I get told i’m getting transferred to a different property about 30 minutes away from where I currently work and live. No paperwork, no explanation whatsoever. I thought it was weird but didn’t put…


Boss keeps bringing up all the reasons I’m “so lucky” to not need a raise that badly

I’ve been talking to my direct manager about a possible promotion for a year now and it keeps getting pushed back. And every time we talk about it, or a raise during our yearly raise, he brings up how lucky I am that I don’t have a mortgage or kids to pay for so I have more disposable income come at my salary range. Bro, at this rate I’m never going to be able to afford fucking kids or a house. Stop talking about that. I live in one of the highest COL cities in the country and my bosses area is much much lower. So how about HES lucky not to have to pay so much for rent and utilities and fucking transportation, not even including the city, state and federal taxes heaped on me because of my zip. It sucks cause outside of comments like this I really…


Forced to log PTO for being on the bench, then asked to work on PTO day

I work for a consulting company. Our customer abruptly cancelled their project last week. It happens, that's business. So, I'm on the bench this week while they found my next engagement. Today, HR informed me that I was required to log personal PTO for this week while I was on the bench, even though I was at the computer everyday. I'm miffed about this, but I don't want to rock the boat (yet) as I want to keep my employment. Just a few minutes ago, management asked me to start project work for the next engagement after asking me to log PTO for today. I'm ignoring him and will resume work Monday as I will not contribute my personal time to the company. For all intents and purposes, I'm off today per their guidance. If I get blowback from management for not doing project work today, am I justified in…


America has stolen people’s money for the last (almost) 50 years and we cannot get it back

They have almost completely stolen our pensions…401K’s are a p*ss poor replacement for pensions still with too many restrictions on them. Think about it, where did all of that pension money go? I’ll tell you…. Into the golden lined pockets of the “chosen few.” People are treated as disposable and even more so as they get near the age of 45-50. I know and have too many friends who careers have been ruined in their 50’s because they could find a job or keep from being laid off, due to their age. Their prime working earning years are being decimated and neither party cares or addresses this fact. At some point, there needs to be a national strike unless these people all get the message that we are on to the game and the game is OVER. The golden parachute bullsh*t, obscene wealth and ostentatious displays of wealth and the…


34 Million

The company I work for makes a lot of money. It is by no means a small company but that is how they make so much. We had an all hands meeting the other day with everyone in the program I am part of. The program director/manager was telling us how well we were doing and how much the company as a whole values the program because it us one of the highest profit makers for the company. He then tells us, “We have 34 million dollars in unrealized profits in the last 6 quarters. That's 34 million more than we ever planned to make.” I sat in my seat know the cost of living for the area. I'm lucky I live less than a mile, I have a very cheap apartment for the area. But I know people who drive 45 minutes or have 3 or 4 roommates. While…


Got thrown under the bus hard

This is kind of long, sorry. I work in tech. I'm officially under the content team, but I'm heavily involved in UX/design, and was hired for my expertise in both areas. I was assigned a task where the designer, Jim, hadn't done his job very well (it looked good, but the solution was bad and based on a lot of assumptions). I suggested taking a step back, doing some user testing, and looking at the whole journey rather than just a pretty UI bandaid. Jim was happy with this, my manager was happy, the head of department was happy, the research team was happy. I did 99% of the work for the research project. The head researcher for our company supplied some of the participants, and made suggestions. My HoD made some suggestions. Jim showed up to some of the interviews and allegedly took notes but never sent them to…


Good jobs that don’t require you to wake up early

I have had various jobs. I had some in the US that were somewhat enjoyable, but a consistent theme was that I always struggled waking up and commuting. My favorite job by far (partly because of the schedule) was teaching English in Korea. My work started at 3pm and I didn't have to drive to work; I could walk or take a bus. If I decide to stay in the US, I see two ways to somewhat mimic this. Move somewhere with public transit (NY or Boston probably) and/or find a job with a later start. But most jobs, especially “real” careers, seem to want you to start at 8 or 9 AM. I've tried that before and I really did not like it. I quit a few jobs after just a couple weeks because of this to be honest. My mom is a lawyer and she told me that…