
If managers are gonna be “sad to see you go”, why the fuck didn’t they treat you better while they had you?

I handed in my notice today. It was a difficult decision for me because it was my first job out of grad school and it felt like a dream job I could build a long-term career in. Unfortunately my manager is a micromanager who can’t stop sticking their nose in my work and picking bones with me even when I’m delivering results. It wasn’t until I quiet quit (I was still delivering results but withdrew socially and shut down all talks about career development) that they suddenly began love-bombing me. Too little too late bitch. When I handed them the letter they legit began tearing up and telling me how much they “respects my work ethic” and “depended on me for xyz” and how I’m “welcome to change my mind anytime”. Like, oh sis, NOW you respect me? Where was that respect when you publicly berated me for being sick…

I handed in my notice today. It was a difficult decision for me because it was my first job out of grad school and it felt like a dream job I could build a long-term career in.

Unfortunately my manager is a micromanager who can’t stop sticking their nose in my work and picking bones with me even when I’m delivering results.

It wasn’t until I quiet quit (I was still delivering results but withdrew socially and shut down all talks about career development) that they suddenly began love-bombing me. Too little too late bitch.

When I handed them the letter they legit began tearing up and telling me how much they “respects my work ethic” and “depended on me for xyz” and how I’m “welcome to change my mind anytime”.

Like, oh sis, NOW you respect me? Where was that respect when you publicly berated me for being sick at work? When you let my coworkers take days off to care for their children but wouldn’t let me WfH to take care of a broken-winged pet bird? When you give me shit for listening to podcasts at work knowing I have ADHD?

I would never ever treat anybody like this, let alone someone whom I supposedly respect and depend on.

And I never would have looked for other jobs if you didn’t treat me like shit. And now that I found something better than what you can ever, you only have yourself to blame.


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