
might get fired in July for taking vacation

In July, my wife and I are going to South America for schedule is on a 2 week rotation. Starting Sunday, I work Sun,off Mon,, Tues. Work Wed, Thurs. Off Fri, Sat, Sun. Work Mon, Tue, off Wed, Thur, work Friday, Sat. Start over. I put in for July, 4 days off. On this rotation, it would be Wed, Thurs, then Mon, Tue the following week. That gives me 10 consecutive days off, but only 4 work days I would have to take off. The supervisor told me I could not have 10 consecutive days off. The most they would allow is 7. I figured I was cutting time short with 10 days, but was going to make it work. I have 80hrs of vacation time for the year, and I'm taking it. Time away is more important than any job. I put for the days off months in…

In July, my wife and I are going to South America for schedule is on a 2 week rotation. Starting Sunday, I work Sun,off Mon,, Tues. Work Wed, Thurs. Off Fri, Sat, Sun. Work Mon, Tue, off Wed, Thur, work Friday, Sat. Start over.

I put in for July, 4 days off. On this rotation, it would be Wed, Thurs, then Mon, Tue the following week. That gives me 10 consecutive days off, but only 4 work days I would have to take off. The supervisor told me I could not have 10 consecutive days off. The most they would allow is 7. I figured I was cutting time short with 10 days, but was going to make it work.

I have 80hrs of vacation time for the year, and I'm taking it. Time away is more important than any job. I put for the days off months in advance. I have the vacation time. This is happening. It is a little scary, but we're doing this and we'll see if I have a job when I get back.

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