Hello there, As a French, people here don't “like” to talk about salary in my country, while they don't realize it just helps more the company than them for doing so. But I'm really confused about the amount of post I come across on this sub about people either getting fired or forbidden to talk about salary, or even mention in the contract about this interdiction (but this last one might be fakes, not really sure). So, I'm wondering, is there actually a law, in either a state, if so which ones, or a Federal one that can ban salary discussion among employees ? Can companies really implement a ban on this subject without repercussions ? I don't see a world where this could be the case, and since it's America, I would sue the shit out of companies that try/pull out this kind of shit. Even more when you…
RTO announcements
I have a feeling a lot of companies are starting to email out RTO plans. My former employer announced WFH perm during delta. My current job pushed back the RTO for Omricron. It’s interesting to see upper managements attitude towards WFH from 2020-2021 saying they want to be in office at least 2 days a week to now 2022 many pushing the top execs to give fully remote in fear of losing people. I work in finance on the tech side and there is definitely a fear of tech people jumping to complete remote jobs. Like many other posts out there sharing the same sentiment, it’s ridiculous people are being forced back in for no reason after proving they can work from home, they’re going to drive hours each week just to do online meetings in their cubicle because not everyone will be back in at the same time. What…
Trouble getting final paycheck
My final paycheck was to be a paper check; during my exit interview, I specified my parents' address to send it to (because I was going to be in a temporary living between moving to my new job). I can access my paystub and see the check that was generated, but that was almost 2 weeks ago and my parents have reported they still have not got anything. I've tried calling their payroll on several occasions; each time, I'm directed to someone that's always been going to voicemail. I've left messages but gotten no call back. I've asked if there's someone else I can talk to about this, but the operator has insisted there's no one else that handles that. It's possible they sent to the wrong address (my previous home), but can I take this a step further if my employer is being no help? Is it normal to…
Sorry if this kind of post isn’t allowed but this is the only community that I know of that can give me the proper words to say and how to say it. So basically I have been working at a pack and ship place for a little over two years. Due to unfortunate circumstances our assistant manager and manager left at basically the same time about a year ago – not due to anything work related, AM had just finished his degree and wanted to go into a career that aligned with it and the manager had serious family issues she had to deal with. The manager at the time took me aside and told me that I would more than likely be becoming the manager after she left and began training me with all the duties only she and the AM could handle. I was totally fine with this…
While I was in the military I was sent to a different office that just lost several people for some reason I wasn't told but came to light after a short time. I had to work on a special project that includes a lot of paperwork. After some time I figured out why so many people did everything they could to leave. The commanding officer was a workaholic controlling helicopter boss. At times he was standing for an hour behind me watching what I was doing. He did the same with other people. Even when he was on vacation on a ship south of cape horn, he was checking remotely what his people were doing. After six months I went to my old boss and with him went to the base commander to get my old position back. The helicopter boss asked me to leave within four hours. Since he…